Join Our Travel Editorial Team!
Remote Positions-- even from your own home! -- for Everyone Anywhere!
JOB: Picture Postcard Editor
- Broadly advertise new photojournalist reports a.k.a. Picture Postcards to staff, PR and other contacts with whom Picture This Post's editorial team works.
- Create systems of systematic outreach to travel PR professionals to solicit content (pictures and short copy) and submission process for Picture Postcard consideration.
- Scan all incoming travel related news releases to identify potential good fits for Picture Postcard articles.
- Network via social media with individuals with travel blog content to invite Picture Postcard submissions.
JOB: Travel Content Curator
- Create roundup articles with "placeholders" and Picture Previews similar to those for New York City Theater on global cultural events, e.g., European Opera Festivals this coming year.
- Network with travel PR professionals and travel bloggers via social media to identify shared content opportunities.
JOB: Travel Events Reporter
- Prerequisite -- Picture This Post Writers' Trial Balloon.
- Find travel events in your city hosted by global travel promoters and write AP style reports within a 24-hour turnaround.
- Optional: Do layouts of your reports so the images reinforce your verbiage.
JOB: Travel Writer
- Prerequisite -- Picture This Post Writers' Trial Balloon.
- Prerequisite -- Picture This Post tenure as a reporter or review writer with 10+ published articles in PICTURE THIS style.
- Prerequisite -- photography-capable (or with companion photographer). Photoediting skills are not required.
- Optional: Do layouts of your reports so the images reinforce your verbiage.