SKATES: A NEW MUSICAL Review — Reminiscing At The Skating Rink

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Disco balls hang from the top of the stage and giant light grids bookend the sides. A huge sign is front and center reading “Jacqueline Miller.” We’re already getting concert vibes as we enter the Studebaker Theatre. As we make our way to our seats, we’re also starting to be transported back to the 70s. We’re listening to Carwash, Hot Child in the City and I Love the Nightlife. We’re feeling like we could be back in the disco-era, and it gets us ready for a nostalgic trip with Skates: A New Musical.

SKATES is a Trip Back in Time

For leading lady Jacqueline Miller (Diana DeGarmo), she’s had a series of highs and lows lately.  It’s 1994. She finally has a hit song that’s topped the charts, a multi-city national tour, and a talented boyfriend, Blake (Ace Young) who coincidentally is also in her band.

As the two take the stage for the opening number Lovin’ The Life, DeGarmo’s vocals rebound throughout the theater. It’s a lively number that immediately has this writer and her fellow audience members cheering and applauding for Jacqueline as though she’s been our favorite artist for years.

Though Jacqueline’s life seems like it’s all glittery and fabulous, it seems to fall apart just as fast within the first fifteen minutes of the show. Despondent in her hotel room, she wishes for a simpler time as Blake runs off to Rio to play “real music” and she finds out her band manager has run off with all her cash. Slowly, the scene begins to change.


Windy City Skates on Stage

Shadowy figures roll out onto the stage. We see the concert backdrop slowly transform. Off to the left is a rental counter. And off to the right a snack bar, slushies and all. We’re back in 1977 at Windy City Skates on the Southside of Chicago.

The lights come up and we’re greeted by Jack (Kelvin Roston Jr.) in metallic red short shorts and a wide smile. He welcomes us to the rink and leads a bopping skating number as the chorus joins him on the rink. The cast skates around in custom platform roller skates and straight-out-of-the-70s bell bottom jeans, rainbow studded overalls, and Farrah Fawcett curls.

Here we meet 12year-old Jacqueline—Jackie (Emma Lord). The two Jacqueline’s embrace and embark on their simultaneous journeys to find themselves at these different stages in life.

Music Packed Show

Though Skates is not a sung-thru musical, it has many musical numbers all in different styles of the 70s and 80s. The opening number is just the beginning for this musically jam-packed show and the rest of the numbers did not disappoint, in this writer’s opinion. Emma Lord as Jackie, though she looks the part of a pre-teen shows us her vocal range is not. She belts right alongside DeGarmo and the two make a formidable pair.

The music and talent are stellar, but for this writer, the plot was a little too light and didn’t have a huge conflict for us to believe Jacqueline wanted to go back and get a confidence boost from her younger self.

If you’re looking for more heavy material, this show might not be a good fit for you. But if you’re looking for a feel-good musical, and especially if you are a fan of 70s and 80s disco and rock and want to enjoy a trip back in time, Skates would be a good fit for you.



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Photos: Liz Lauren

Note: Picture This Post reviews are excerpted by Theatre in Chicago.


May 24 - August 28

Sundays - 1:30pm and 7:30pm
Tuesdays - 7:30pm
Wednesdays - 1:30pm and 7:30pm
Fridays - 8pm
Saturdays - 2pm and 8pm


The Studebaker Theater
410 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60605


$ 46+

For more information visit the Skates the Musical website.


Diana DeGarmo as Jacqueline miller
Ace Young as Blake/Russ Reiner
Zach Sorrow as Brad Miller
Emma lord as Jacqueline 'Jackie' miller
Adam fane as scotty 'the hotty' Watkins
cory Goodrich as Rebecca miller (mom)
Jason Richards as hank miller (dad)
Kelly Felthous as Meghan


Scenic design: Christopher Rhoton
Costume design: Lindsay McWilliams
Lighting design: Chris Merriman
Sound design: Ray Nardelli
Casting director: Bob Cline
Production stage manager: William Collins
LDK Productions and general management: Lisa Dozier

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Alexis Bugajski

About the Author: Alexis Bugajski

Alexis is a theater reviewer, travel bug, media specialist, and burger & beer enthusiast. During the day she works in the advertising business as a senior communications designer. When night falls, or when she can escape to New York, she’s hitting the theaters to see as many shows as she can. And whenever she’s not at her desk or in the audience, she’s out seeking the best burger and beer offerings in Chicago.

Editor's Note:  Click here to read more Picture this Post articles by Alexis Bugajski

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