Sean Kelly Presents Brian Rochefort’s STARING AT THE MOON —Preview

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Sean Kelly Brian Rochefort's STARING AT THE MOON
Image courtesy of Sean Kelly


September 14 – November 2, 2024


Sean Kelly
1357 N Highland Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90028


For more information and tickets visit the Sean Kelly website.

A spokesperson describes the event as follows:

“...Rochefort will present new sculptures in an installation that will reconfigure the architecture of the gallery. Rochefort’s mixed-media sculptures incorporate a variety of different textures, surfaces and colors to create rich, otherworldly forms. Referencing his travels to some of the most remote parts of the planet, such as the Amazon Rainforest, the Galápagos Islands, and the Ngorongoro Crater, in Tanzania, Rochefort internalizes and translates his experiences in these secluded, ancient landscapes into potent sculptural forms…"

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