Physical Theater Festival Chicago presents HELGA – LIFE OF A DIVA EXTRAORDINAIRE Review – Filled with Poignant Charm

Though clothed and made up as on old woman, the twinkle in Helga’s eye signals fun to the expectant audience at the opening evening of the 2019 Physical Theater Festival Chicago.  Fueled with espresso and brandy, Henni Kervinen as Helga takes us back to her prime.  Kervinen is a Finnish circus performer and mime.  There are mumbled thoughts to herself, but no script, no monologue as we are drawn poignantly through the years.

Physical Theater Festival Chicago HELGA – LIFE OF A DIVA EXTRAORDINAIRE
Henni Kervinen as Helga

Physical Theater Festival Chicago Showcases Kervinen’s Evocative Performance

The stage is sparse—a small living area created by a table, chair, and tea trolley with hot plate.  A lone trapeze hangs invitingly stage left.  In the living area, we experience her pain and loneliness as Helga rears a child who matures and leaves.  Later she befriends a cat to fill the hole in her life–and the cat eventually leaves.  Between these mimed scenes, Helga comes to life on the trapeze.

She spins, flips, entwines her limbs in the ropes—all with reborn joi de vivre.  As the performance closes, Helga is waiting at her table set for two, with hope not likely to be fulfilled.  Kervinen’s skillful performance drew us into Helga’s small world and large talent.

Telling a story without words is challenging, in this writer's opinion. Helga, is spot on for families, students, and theater fans looking to learn from and enjoy a wide range of performance, including mime. This simple yet nuanced story inspires discussion of what you felt and how Kervinen achieved that.


Note: This is now added to the Picture this Post round up of BEST PLAYS IN CHICAGO, where it will remain until the end of the run. Click here to read – Top Picks for Theater in Chicago NOW – Chicago Plays PICTURE THIS POST Loves.

Watch this video showing the TOP PICK PLAYS of 2019

Performer: Henni Kervinen
Director: Jenni Kallo
Light design: Alice Leclerc
Original music: Hannu Oskala
Sound design: Sami Tammela
Costume and set design: Kirsi Manninen
Produced by Kallo Collective


Saturday, June 1 at 7 pm
Sunday, June 2 at 5 pm


Stage 773
1225 W Belmont Ave
Chicago, IL 60657
60 minutes, for ages 10 and up


$15+, including Festival Pass option

For tickets visit the Stage 773 website.

Photos by Mihaela Bodlovic

For more information, read Physical Theater Festival Chicago 2019 – Preview

Note: Picture This Post reviews are excerpted by Theatre in Chicago

Ann Boland
Portrait by Paul Sierra

Reviewer Ann Boland is committed to Chicago theater. Involved in the audience since the early 80’s, she’s witnessed firsthand the rise of our theater scene, our exceptional local talent, and the vigor of each new generation.  Ann handles public relations for authors and works on programs to help seniors with neurological movement disorders.  Please visit her website for more information.  


Click here to read more Picture this Post reviews by Ann Boland.

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