Bullets, guns, camps, rebels, spoils of war - everything that comes to mind when talking about a war. All these images are the first thing we think of, but they are just the surface. What about those under the surface who are affected by the war? Who aren’t given a choice when thrown into this perilous war zone? ECLIPSED takes us down into the war camps to the women left with little choices.
Pegasus Theatre’s Civil War
With bullets raining overheard, our story begins in the war camp of the rebels during the Second Liberian Civil War. A run-down, one room shack is home to wives of the Commanding Officer - barren except for their scarce, but prized, belongings. With barely enough room to move around, it is home to wives One and Three, with a recent addition of The Girl as wife number Four.
When wife number Two makes a sudden appearance she offers The Girl a different way of life. Will The Girl decide to stay and be a wife of the Commanding Officer or will she choose the life of a soldier and enter this war?
Not Given a Choice In the Matter
Our cast masters playing women trapped under the same circumstances but differentiate each path of life they must choose in order to survive.
At times we forget about the war outside when Wives One and Three, played by Maya V. Prentiss and Aja Singletary, sit and do each other’s hair, laughing and poking fun at each other. However, we’re suddenly brought back to reality when there’s a sudden foreboding sound and the women freeze. They stand in a line and when the unseen C.O. chooses a woman, she walks solemnly out through the trees to where he is.
And when Adhana Reid and Sola Thompson playing number Two and The Girl describe instances that have torn their lives apart, their voices rip through the theater and hit us right in the chest with their powerful impact.
Perils of War Brought to Life
This theme of looking at things on the surface comes back again and again because as much as these women appear to have some control of their lives, it becomes clearer and clearer they don’t have much say in the matter. The choices they make are not ones made freely, but rather what minimal choices they can make.
ECLIPSED is the perfect fit for history buffs and those looking to expand their worldview and understand someone else’s walk of life. It might not be the best fit for those who are looking for a lighter evening out.
Note: This is now added to the Picture this Post round up of BEST PLAYS IN CHICAGO, where it will remain until the end of the run. Click here to read – Top Picks for Theater in Chicago NOW – Chicago Plays PICTURE THIS POST Loves.
Morayo Orija
Maya V. Prentiss
Aja Singletary
Adhana Reid
Sola Thompson
Ilesa Duncan
Jacqueline Penrod
Megan Turnquist
Owé Engobor
Tony Bruno
R&D Choreography
Amanda Caputi
Carrie Hardin
Tanuja Jagernauth
Jennifer McClendon
Justine Palmisano
Now through November 4, 2018
Thursdays – Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.
Sundays at 3 p.m.
There will be added performances on some Saturdays at 3 p.m. or Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Check the website for more details.
Chicago Dramatists
773 N. Aberdeen
Chicago, IL 60642
For more information please visit Pegasus Theatre website
Note: An excerpt of this review appears in Theatre in Chicago
Suzanne Plunkett
About the Author
Alexis is a theater reviewer, travel bug, media specialist, and burger & beer enthusiast. During the day she works in the advertising business as a senior communications designer. When night falls, or when she can escape to New York, she’s hitting the theaters to see as many shows as she can. And whenever she’s not at her desk or in the audience, she’s out seeking the best burger and beer offerings in Chicago.
Editor's Note: Click here to read more Picture this Post articles by Alexis Bugajski