Editor's Note: Read the related story ---
PARIS+ BY ART BASEL Review — Top Tier Euro-Centric Art
— The upcoming Paris+ by Art Basel show in Paris suggests this could happen, if it has not already.
Hosted in Grand Palais Éphémère, the new show unites artists and gallerists around the world, creating dialogues within and beyond the French art culture. The 156 galleries in the show, as well as various concurrent exhibits will enrich your visit during the Paris+ week.
Click a picture to read a story about artists and galleries in the Paris art scene!

About the Author: Mingyuan Dong
Ming has lived in China, the United States, and France. She speaks the languages of all three of these countries, as well as German. With these tongues, Ming enjoys traveling, visiting art museums around the world, and discussing all kinds of art with fellow art enthusiasts.
Ming grew up studying drawing in studios. Today, Ming spends most of her time making art, or studying the arts. She especially enjoys making works about linguistics, the natural environment, and living situations.