Orion Ensemble Presents TO MELODY — Preview

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Orion Ensemble TO MELODY
(L–R) Florentina Ramniceanu, Diana Schmück, Judy Stone, Kathryne Pirtle. Photo by Cornelia Babbitt.


Sunday, September 22 at 3 p.m. at
New England Congregational Church, 406 W. Galena Boulevard, Aurora

Monday, September 23 at 7:30 p.m. at
PianoForte Studios, 1335 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago

and Sunday, September 29 at 7:30 p.m. at
Nichols Concert Hall, 1490 Chicago Avenue, Evanston.



For more information and tickets visit the Orion Ensemble website.

A spokesperson describes the event as follows:

“...The Orion Ensemble opens its 32nd season with “To Melody!,” (showcasing romantic composers) and welcoming back guest violist Stephen Boe and guest violinist Mathias Tacke, who join the Orion musicians for a program celebrating composers of the Romantic period, including works by Bruch, Schubert and Dvorák…”

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One thought on “Orion Ensemble Presents TO MELODY — Preview

  1. The Orion Ensemble is supported in part by grants from the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, the John R. Halligan Charitable Fund, the Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation Fund, the Illinois Arts Council, the Arts Tour Fund of the Illinois Arts Council and generous donations from our dedicated patrons.

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