Schoenberg & Bach premieres Feb. 7 at 2 pm.
Delayed streaming available starting Feb. 11.
New & Classic Works for Strings premieres Feb. 21 at 2 pm.
Delayed Streaming available starting Feb. 25.
Streaming on Orchestra Now
Delayed streaming on TŌN’s Digital Portal
FREE, RSVP at the Orchestra Now website starting Jan. 27
The Orchestra Now begins its 2021 season with two concerts live-streamed from the Fisher Center at Bard, led by Leon Botstein and James Bagwell. Both programs for string orchestra will offer pieces by underrepresented composers, including a new work by composer/percussionist Sarah Hennies written for the Orchestra and the Bard Music Program, where she is on faculty. Her work is concerned with a variety of musical, sociopolitical, and psychological issues including queer and trans identity, love, intimacy, and psychoacoustics.
Additional music will include Popcorn Superhet Receiver, a work by English composer Jonny Greenwood, the lead guitarist and keyboard player of the alternative rock band Radiohead; and Serenade for Strings by the Venezuelan composer, pianist, and singer Teresa Carreño, who played for Abraham Lincoln at the White House in 1863.
For upcoming activities and more detailed information about the musicians, visit the Orchestra Now website.
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Photos courtesy of Orchestra Now