Museum of Contemporary Photography Presents DAWIT L. PETROS: PROSPETTO A MARE — Preview

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Museum of Contemporary Photography DAWIT L. PETROS: PROSPETTO A MARE
Dawit L. Petros, Untitled (Epilogues, XII), Northerly Island, Chicago, 2024. Archival pigment print, 30 x 37.50 inches. Courtesy of the artist.


August 30 – December 20, 2024


Museum of Contemporary Photography
Columbia College


For more information and tickets visit the Museum of Contemporary Photography website.

A spokesperson describes the event as follows:

“...Using Chicago’s Balbo Monument and Balbo Avenue as starting points, Petros explores the legacy of Italian fascism on the visual landscape of Chicago. Both the monument and the street pay homage to fascist aviator Italo Balbo, who directed a squadron of seaplanes that flew from Italy to Chicago during the 1933-1934 Chicago World’s Fair. The monument is an ancient Roman column gifted to the city by dictator Benito Mussolini that promotes fascism and still stands just east of Soldier Field. Petros’s practice spans photography, video, and sculpture, often incorporating found objects and archival materials. Probing photography’s role in the colonization of the Horn of Africa and Libya, Petros’s artworks are characterized by a layering of complex histories and a poetic sensitivity to the stories embedded within landscapes and communities. Prospetto a Mareencourages viewers to question fixed historical narratives and to reflect on themes of migration, memory, and the fluidity of both cultural boundaries and personal identity…"

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