Molière in the Park presents Christina Anderson’s pen/man/ship, directed by artistic director Lucie Tiberghien. This play follows Ruby, a young Black woman fleeing the American South in 1896, boards a ship bound for Liberia, and finds herself at odds with her companions. Unwilling to sit passively below deck, she befriends the crew, becoming entangled in a mutinous uprising that threatens them all. pen/man/ship is performed live and, according to a spokesperson, “tells a story about truth-seeking at all cost and the dangerous limits of self-righteousness.”
The returning cast features Lucille Lortel, Crystal Lucas-Perry, Kevin Mambo, Jared McNeill, and Postell Pringle. Molière in the Park is offering closed captions in French as well, for those who are interested.
For more information, visit the Molière in the Park website.
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Images courtesy of Molière in the Park