Lucid Theater Presents WELLS and WELLES — Preview

Lucid Theater WELLS and WELLES


Saturday, July 20 - 7:30 pm


City Lit Theater
1020 W. Bryn Mawr Avenue


For more information and tickets visit the Lucid Theater website.

A spokesperson describes the event as follows:

"...In 1940, the 25-year-old Orson Welles, previously known as a stage and radio actor, had achieved widespread fame for his 1938 radio play adaptation of the novel THE WAR OF THE WORLDS. The show was produced without the participation or even the permission of the novel’s author H.G. Wells, a slight which much angered the novelist. When Wells and Welles happened to be staying in the same San Antonio hotel while on separate lecture tours in October 1940, Welles had an opportunity to meet with Wells and make peace with him. The world premiere play WELLS AND WELLES by Chicago playwright Amy Crider imagines what might have been said in a private meeting between these two pioneers of literature and the arts..."

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