Sunday, July 12, 2020
7 p.m. CST
Live streamed via the Hershey Felder website
Hershey Felder, playwright and pianist, has created a new arts broadcasting company, Hershey Felder Presents – Live from Florence, which will be streaming arts programming for international audiences.
Their next event, HERSHEY FELDER: BEETHOVEN, will feature the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, text by Felder, and is based on the original stage play directed by Joel Zwick.
This production will benefit national U.S. theatres and arts organizations. Felder will also donate a portion of the proceeds to the Penumbra Theatre Company in St. Paul, MN., to support the work of Black theatre artists.
Additionally, Felder has created the Hershey Felder Presents Arts Prize Competition, in honor of Beethoven’s 250th birth year. This prize of $25,000 will be awarded to one of five artist finalists submitting “anything Beethoven” as inspiration for their video presentation. Viewers will be eligible to vote, with the winner announced one hour after the completion of voting.
$55 per household
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit the Hershey Felder website.
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Images courtesy of Hershey Felder