That’s the voice of the title character, Haven Jacobs, talking about the climate disasters that her generation cannot avoid with the clarity that comes before adult obfuscation tricks are learned.
Our path to follow Haven on her journey is spotted with doodle- like musings on nature. Every chapter title begins with whimsical bees, a penguin amidst flowers in a cloud, and a small frog at the bottom of the page. The doodles may be lighthearted but Haven Jacobs Saves the Planet actually does quite a deep dive into the existential problem our species and the entire planet now faces.
It all starts when Haven Jacobs’ seventh grade science class is shown a video about how climate change is rapidly diminishing the Antarctic glaciers. Her first thought is, “If the glaciers melt, what happens to those penguins?”
Haven quickly comes to realize how much is at stake for the world, and how little is being done about it. So now, in addition to the regular anxiety-inducing mores of middle school life—friendship troubles, family, schoolwork—she has assigned herself the Herculean task of doing everything in her power to save the planet. It’s certainly no easy task for one person to stress over alone, and she must navigate the difficulties of convincing others to take action with her.
Haven Jacobs Saves the Planet is, in this writer’s opinion, an inspiring book wherein a young girl discovers the power individuals have to spark change on a larger scale, through the support of their loved ones and communities.
HAVEN JACOBS SAVES THE PLANET Opens Up Discussions About the Effects of Climate Change
Haven Jacobs Saves the Planet is Barbara Dee’s latest middle-grade novel. It is an easy read that is recommended for middle school level readers and above. It functions both as a testimony of the pressures and fears the younger generation experiences as they face the imminent destruction of our world and their future. You too may be uplifted, as this reviewer is , by its message of hope, that individuals from all walks of life can come together to find a solution.
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Images Courtesy of Simon and Schuster
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About the Author: Elly Murray
Elly Murray decided she liked writing best at the ripe old age of six and has stubbornly refused to change her mind since. To this date, she has only published a few short stories and articles, but she hopes to someday publish a book or twelve.
When not writing, she can be found harassing her cat, attempting to keep her bookshelf from toppling over, or staring at an empty Google doc, hoping desperately that some words will show up.
For more info, visit Elly Murray