Dance Enthusiast Volunteers Needed!
Ballet, Contemporary, Tap, Classical Indian, Modern, Hip-Hop and More…
Join the Nationwide Picture This Post Dance Reporting Team.
Remote positions for Dance Enthusiasts Everywhere!
JOB: Readers' Calendar Manager - Dance Performances
- Keep track of dance performance events in your favorite city/s.
- Read press releases about upcoming dance performances nationwide and dance festivals both nationwide and worldwide.
- Make this dance news available to Picture This Post readers via the READERS' CALENDAR .
- Outreach to nationwide dance performance venues and dance troupes to request that Picture This Post be added to media lists.
JOB: Dance Content Curator
- Create AP style previews and picture previews of upcoming dance performances and dance festivals (live or filmed).
- Email interviews with choreographers, dancers and dance performance creative team members whose work intrigues you.
- Create city dance roundup articles similar to those for New York City Theater and Chicago Theater.
- Network with nationwide dance makers via social media.
JOB: Dance Review Writer
- Prerequisite -- Picture This Post Writers' Trial Balloon.
- Choose dance performances in your city or dance films that you expect to enjoy and write an honest review in PICTURE THIS style within a 24-hour turnaround.
- Optional: Do layouts of your reviews so the images reinforce your verbiage to your liking.
JOB: Social Media Manager — Dance Focus
- Join relevant Facebook groups with a Dance Focus, networking to highlight Picture This Post dance coverage.
- Create Instagram story/s focused on Picture This Post dance coverage.
- Use social media automation to share posts about Picture This Post dance stories --- reviews, interviews and picture previews.
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