Thursday, March 13 @8pm
Friday, March 14 @8pm
Saturday, March 15 @3pm & @8pm
University Settlement
184 Eldridge St.
A spokesperson describes the event as follows:
“...The dance explores two simultaneously existing realities that experienced together comprise our life’s endless climb – the striving and conflicts of life with all its necessary work and activities, and at the same time our need to nourish and develop our moral and spiritual life.. In a time when we can communicate at the touch of a finger to those around the globe, we humans struggle to communicate with those right next to us, beloved and adversary alike, as the urgency of living in harmony and cooperation becomes ever more pressing.
The ladder in the dance’s title, an object designed to take you someplace you otherwise could not go, informs the structure of the piece. Each section serves as a rung, with a range of energies, emotions and dynamics that emerge, establishing their own character and dramatic logic, resulting in a continuous stream of experience. The whole is made more present as the dance dips and winds on its climbs and descents..."
Dancers: Mariah Anton Arters, Sarah Cecilia Bukowski, Julian Donahue, Eve Jacobs, Alexzander Larson, Deniz Erkan Sancak, Jin Ju Song-Begin, Hannah Straney
Choreography: Ellen Cornfield
Music: Jerome Begin (electronics)
Bowie Ma (viola)
Lighting Design: Kathy Kaufmann
Costumes: Kimberly Manning