Your ears are filled with the sound of upbeat, repetitive folk style guitar lines. These are mixed with light, but still exciting, dance-sounding drumbeats. To complete the sound, we hear raspy rock vocals with catchy song lyrics like Everyone will love me once I’m Hollywood, from the opening track Hollywood. They all work together to create a consistent sound in all five songs.
This is The Show, the new EP by indie folk rock band Arts Fishing Club. This band combines elements of folk and alternative rock, blending the folk guitar with heavy repetitive drumbeats to create a signature sound that is threaded throughout the EP. The song Horizon Eyes especially demonstrates this blending of styles. The guitars have an acoustic folk sound. They are light and airy sounding, while also having heavier moments, but still with a light folk feel. On the other hand, the drums are rhythmic and repetitive. They are loud and grab your attention, and at times sound march-like. They are what also makes this EP rock.
Arts Fishing Club Creates a Laid-back Sound
Our ears are not overwhelmed by overdone production or many instruments, in this reviewer’s opinion. Rather, we are filled with the sounds of gentle folk guitars and simple drumbeats that blend smoothly with the lead singer’s raspy pleasant-sounding vocals.
Scared to love
And scared to try
Scared of truth
So up and lie
As these lyrics are sung a rhythmic drum sound carries the song from start to finish. While guitars are heard, they are more drawn back, allowing for the drums to create a rock-like sound one can groove to. Then, towards the end of the song, the lead singer breaks into verses of rap, the first and only time this style of vocal is heard on the EP.
The Show is a Journey
The EP starts on an energetic note with the opening track Hollywood. The guitar and drums drive the track, including a dynamic guitar solo and lyrics that you too may find get stuck in your head. At the end of the track, we hear an all-instrumental moment that eventually introduces higher range, almost scream-like vocals.
Then the album ends with an acoustic moment, allowing us to relax and process what we just experienced. The vocals shine through in this closing track, With Us All highlighting Arts Fishing Club’s melodic vocals. Because the instrumentals are pulled back, we are better able to hear the vocals clearly without any instrumental distraction.
To this writer, The Show is perfect for those who enjoy music that takes indie folk and blends it with other genres like rock to create a unique sound. The use of heavy drums and moments of dynamic instrumentals with guitar and drums will appeal to those who enjoy alternative rock.
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Producer: Ken Coomer
Mixing Engineer: Ryan Hewitt
Mastering Engineer: Dan Shike
Songwriting: Christopher Kessenich, Arts Fishing Club
Drums: Brian Kempson
Electric Guitar: Jimi Greene
Bass: Rhees Williams
Keys/Synth: Peter Eddins
For more information checkout the Arts Fishing Club online.
Images courtesy of Arts Fishing Club

About the Author: Alicia Kobasic
Alicia has been writing stories as far back as she can remember. More recently, she stokes her love of stories with crime shows—if they are about creepy serial killers all the better! Her deepest passions, however, are for the rock bands like Palaye Royale, Waterparks and Badflower. Once Alicia graduates from Bowling Green State University, look for her landing her dream job as a music journalist traveling the world.
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