Art Enthusiast Volunteers Needed!
Join the Nationwide Picture This Post Art Reporting Team.
Remote Positions for Art Lovers Everywhere!
JOB: Readers' Calendar Manager - Art Events
- Keep track of gallery openings and art museum events in your favorite city/s.
- Read press releases about new art events worldwide-- and especially view images of wide-ranging art work that comprises the art scene today.
- Make this art news available to Picture This Post readers via the READERS' CALENDAR .
- Outreach to nationwide and global art fairs, US galleries, and artists to get Picture This Post added to media lists.
JOB: Arts Content Curator
- Create AP style previews and picture previews of upcoming art events
- Conduct interviews via email with artists whose work catches your eye
- Create roundup articles to preview upcoming art fair events worldwide
- Network with artists and gallerists via social media
JOB: Art Fair and Gallery Opening Reporter
- Prerequisite -- Picture This Post Writers' Trial Balloon,
- Report on "the scene" and "the vibe" at art events -- local to global-- with 24 hour turnaround time.
- Optional: Do the layouts of your stories to ensure they have the look and feel you want.
JOB: Social Media Manager — Art Focus
- Join relevant Facebook groups with an Arts Focus-- networking to highlight Picture This Post arts coverage
- Create Instagram story/s focused on Picture This Post arts coverage
- Use social media automation to share posts about Picture This Post arts reports, reviews, interviews and picture previews